Optimal amino acids per meal calculator for vegans and vegetarians
Use the following calculator to assess which amino acids may be lacking in your non-meat meals. Then refer to the infographics at the bottom of this page to see [...]
Use the following calculator to assess which amino acids may be lacking in your non-meat meals. Then refer to the infographics at the bottom of this page to see [...]
If you occasionally eat non-meat products, use this calculator to see which amino acids you may be lacking to optimize muscle growth.
Does a mini band around your knees increase glute activity in the squat? Two studies and my own experiment give us answers. Foley and friends (2017) found beginners benefited from [...]
Can an ‘activation warm-up’ for your glutes activate these muscles more in major exercises like the Squat and (Romanian) deadlift? Research shows it’s probably not helping much. Parr and colleagues [...]
What exactly is the difference between a squat and a hip thrust when it comes to growing your glutes? @glute.guru and I will try to explain... And should you perform [...]