
  • Stijn van Willigen, Chivo Education accredited expert in personal and professional leadership, human motivation and well-being. Graduated MSc movement and psychology from the UvA.
  • Since 2016 I’ve coached more than 40 people towards their physical and mental wellbeing goals.
  • Science writer through infographics for HR Community, SvW Consulting and, among others.


📖 Personal Story
How I developed a critical mindset to discover what really works for business growth:

I truly recognized the value of data-driven decision-making after facing the fate of many teens: acne.

Feeling worthless, as if fixing my “skin issue” was necessary to move on with life, I tried dozens of pseudo-scientific remedies.

Juices, treatments, pills, apple cider vinegar, you name it, often based on intuition or personal experiences rather than real research.

Years of trying, spending money, investing time—all fruitless.

Desperate, at 15, I turned to spending hours looking through scientific literature on PubMed, seeking a “cure.”

Eventually, I found a controversial drug supported by multiple studies. I begged my doctor to prescribe it.

Within weeks, the acne disappeared. It changed my life.

Today, I’m fascinated by what science and data can do for our decision-making.

Not just for skin conditions, but also for being a better leader for happier and more productive employees.