Values driven career coaching

Discover what you stand for, to build a more energetic and happier (work) life.

checkmark-green-svwUnderstanding your authentic self: Clarify your authentic core values ​​for more happiness with my science-based values quiz.

checkmark-green-svwAcknowledging your inspiring qualities: We investigate your talents and qualities that support your core values, through a scientifically validated personality test.


Clarity in career / pension: Together we will find the ideal career and / or task package within your current work for more energy, meaning and well-being, tailored to your values.


What does a trajectory look like?



  1. We start by determining your authentic core values, which say something about what you really want.
  2. We then measure your core qualities via a science-validated personality test: What you are good at.
  3. With those Values ​​and Qualities in mind, we look at your current situation and discover your desire for change, for example by outlining a dilemma and creating more clarity in it.
  4. We identify the result you would have if you fulfilled that change wish: what does it mean for you? This provides insight into your motivation.
  5. We outline a values-driven vision with a strategy and sustainable goals, and a concrete step-by-step plan to pursue those goals.
  6. We will get started with this change plan. We have regular (video) calls to ensure your progress with my CAT:
    1. Coaching: Asking the right questions.
    2. Advice: Providing the right knowledge.
    3. Training: Learning the right skills, for example emotion regulation and communication techniques.

Who am I?

  • Stijn van Willigen, Chivo Education accredited expert in personal and professional leadership, human motivation and well-being. Graduated MSc movement and psychology from the UvA.
  • Since 2016 I’ve coached more than 40 people towards their physical and mental wellbeing goals.
  • Science writer through infographics for HR Community, SvW Consulting and, among others.

Give yourself time for reflection and action. Invest in your future happiness with me as a Core Values and (Career) Wellbeing ​​coach. 

  • From recovery after a burnout… to performance coaching for a top performer. 
  • From career coaching to leadership coaching to help because you are simply not feeling well.
  • Values-driven and science-based method.

How do I work?

These are my principles:

  • Ask the right questions You are the expert about your emotional life. I ask the right questions that lead to insights and actions, and try to remove unfounded assumptions.
  • Active and structured: We make a plan with concrete goals based on your situation and preferences, and do our best to achieve lasting behavioral change.
  • Non-judgmental: Everyone has different core values ​​and has followed a different life path. I sincerely try to be there for you, whatever your preferences and goals.